Touch Assignment

"The Skin Has Eyes"


Paper, Pastels, Paint, Hot glue

"Touch allows us to find our way in the world in the darkness or in other circumstances where we can't fully use our other senses." "By combining eyesight and touch, primates excel at locating objects in space." Pg. 94
Statement: The passage talks about whenever we see a picture of texture, we are able to remember how it feels exactly; hence the skin having eyes. I decided to illustrate the skin having eyes in outer space; outer space due to a representation of space itself. The hand with the eye in the center is supposed to represent the way the blind are able to navigate the world with the use of touch; that their eyes are their hands. I used hot glue around the eye to give dimension to the illustration.


Paper, Pastels
"Often our fear of pain contributes to it. Our culture expects childbirth to be a deeply painful event, and so, for us, it is."  Page 102
Statement: I believe that we cannot truly comprehend the pain that females go through while creating a child and even right before childbirth. The illustration is supposed to represent one of those thermal pictures but instead of demonstrating the heat being projected, its the center of pain that these women feel closer to their due date.


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